Milestones, heritage......
These are 2 rosaries that I made for a family using the beads from old, broken rosaries that belonged to the mom and dad. They have 2 sons and they wanted them to have rosaries made with beads from both of the old rosaries to use for First Communion. One son is making his this year, the other, next. They sent the centers they wanted used, and asked that I provide the crucifixes. One of the ladies in a bible study group I'm in lost her husband recently to cancer. She gave me some crucifixes that she found among her husband's things and asked that I use them where I could. One was a perfect fit for one of the rosaries for the boys. She and her husband were founding members of our parish. Her husband will now be remembered in prayer by another generation just starting out in his life of faith. I was so honored to be able to work on these rosaries for this family. What a wonderful way to recycle broken rosaries (and most rosaries that are used eventually break, and often are missing parts), and give a child a legacy to carry on. Just knowing that someone else prayed using parts of these rosaries will be such an incentive to these boys. Here's the picture of how they ended up. I was able to use every bead from the 2 rosaries of the parents in these. I added enough other beads to make up the rest of the rosaries. I know they will be cherished.
I just finished all the rosaries for the Confirmation kids at our parish, and now I'm working on the RCIA ones. It's never dull around here right before Easter! It seems like the time just starts flying by!! I'm so glad we got Daylight Savings early this year, and that we're finally maybe heading towards spring! We're heading into my favorite time of year at last.
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