Distinctive Style & Design

I design and make rosaries and jewelry. Check here for new designs and ideas, sometimes before they make it to my web site. For more of my products see my web site: www.RosariesAndJewelryByLaura.com

Location: Aurora, Colorado, United States

I have been making rosaries for about 29 years, and jewelry for almost as long. I enjoy the whole process from beginning to end, and can usually be found to have a pair of pliers, wire and maybe some kind of beads in my hands, except possibly when I'm sleeping.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Ever feel like your life turned into a circus when you weren't looking? It seems like I woke up one day, had these really strange clothes on, a whip in one hand and a whistle in the other and was told, "OK, now it's your turn to make things run, and Oh, by the way, we've added another ring just for you!"

While it's been hectic, there have been some fun times along the way. My roommates daughter and grandkids came for a visit, which was an unexpected happy event! She didn't think she'd get to see them this year, and her daughter called one night and said she and the kids were offered a ride to Colorado from California and were coming. We scrambled to make adjustments in her working schedule, so she could spend as much time as possible with them, and it really worked out well in the end.
When Teresa's daughter's family goes on a vacation in California, they try to take the kids to the beach. When they got here, the youngest kept asking me when we were going to run into the beach so she could play in the ocean. She had a very hard time understanding that we didn't have any oceans in Colorado!
One thing that made up for it though, was the swimming pool in the motel. They would have loved to spend the whole vacation in that swimming pool if we'd let them. They are both at the age where they seem to be part fish.

I finally got all the rosaries for our parish finished, as well as the ones for the priest who took them with him on his vacation to give out. I designed a line of jewelry for a general store here that carries my stuff. The teenagers were asking for some necklaces, bracelets and earrings they could buy that would fit into their budgets. With the price of gas and food these, days, that's something I can identify with! I'm taking them in tomorrow so we'll see what they think of them.

I've been dealing with a health problem that has even my doc stumped. I'm hoping to at least get some of the symptoms under control when I see him this week so I can enjoy what's left of the summer! The most frustrating part right now is that I can't seem to breathe and walk at the same time. Well, actually I can't seem to do much of anything and breathe at the same time. Kind of cramps my style! While we may never know what causes my body to do this, if we could at least get the symptoms under control, I could hopefully get back to my somewhat normal life.

I've got some jewelry designs running around in my head, and I'm hoping that when they get a couple of things fixed and working on my body I'll be able to get back to designing again! The silver and stones are calling me again, so it's time to answer the call of the powers above and get cracking again!

I hope that all of you who live in places that Mother Nature has taken aim at are slowly recovering! This has certainly been an active spring with all the tornado's, floods, fires, and now hurricane season upon us! I pray that all of you affected are getting the help you need to put your lives back together! Please know that there are many of us who've gone through either the same thing, or close to it who are pulling for you and thinking of you every day as you try to get some normalcy back into your life!

I'm going to try for a couple of pictures next time. I've got some stones that I haven't had him to use and I need to see what they want to become! Hopefully I'll talk to you again soon! At least sooner than it's been lately!


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